DataUnlocker 2.0

Your next generation data protection is here.

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Prevent your analytics data from being blocked by ad & network blockers

Enable DataUnlocker on your website in 10 minutes

01k2k3k4k5kAd blockers blocking analyticsA chart showing missing users in analytics reports✔ Now you can see all 3.2k users✔ Recovered 0.7k ad blocker users
Users you see
Missing users
By still being in beta, we proxy 16M+ requests per day and serve 400+ clients worldwide.
Ukrainian product 🇺🇦 Help us stop this bloody war 💙💛

If you own a website, you need DataUnlocker

Website data analytics tools like Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics are blocked by ad blockers.
DataUnlocker recovers blocked requests.


Depending on the industry, ad blockers block from 10% to 40% of website analytics traffic.

✔ All data analytics tools are covered

Google Tag ManagerGoogle AnalyticsGoogle AdsSegmentBing Webmaster ToolsAdRoll

...and all content blockers too ✔

uBlockAdBlock PlusAdBlockAdGuardGhosteryDuckduckgoFirefox

DataUnlocker is a product-independent, fully managed solution recovering 98% of all ad blocker users.
Learn more about how it works here.

What our customers say

Feedback received by DataUnlocker Support

We’re in the cryptocurrency industry (an exchange) and ad blockers are as high as 40-50% in our industry killing our analytics.

As a SAAS product it’s vital we have our tracking correct and we’re getting as much as 40% per day lack of Sign ups since our industry (crypto) use VPN’s and Protected browsers like Brave more than ever.

Epic work DataUnlocker, love the interface and yeah setup was a cinch after we got our sh*t together 😊 We can see the value so far.

Our early customers, December 7, 2020

Feedback received by DataUnlocker Support

I'm a marketer, not a developer, and I run a very small agency so we don't have any programmers who can help us with these issues. That's what brought me to Dataunlocker in the first place.

Today there are people who are using server side google tag manager implementations with Google Cloud and there are people who even set-up reverse proxies themselves or host the google scripts on their own websites, but all of these are complex. You guys are the first people who solved this problem in a simple way, so it has allowed marketers such as myself to resolve the analytics issue without programming.

Marketer, October 22, 2021

Feedback from Admin Console

I came in after trying UnblockData, but they were way too expensive for an early product like me. Entered DataUnlocker.

Although it is still in beta, the customer support is stellar and will help you solve any issue that you have. It does everything their main competitor does, except for a price point that's affordable when you're just getting started. I really hope this product sticks around for the long term.

Young projects about our beta, March 21, 2021

Our happy customers post on LinkedIn

Are users in your blindspot?

Users or ISP's may be blocking the visibility of their interactions with your product. These invisible users may have unseen needs and often fly under the radar of the sales team.

Nikita Savchenko's Data Unlocker provides a solution to low visible users and helps ensure that no users slip through the cracks.

March 1, 2021

Feedback from a growing European startup

As a startup we just ran into the issue of a bunch of our critical analytics data getting blocked by AdBlocker.

We were thinking internally that it feels like there could be a product in creating a reverse proxy that solves this problem and found DataUnlocker.

Awesome job with it!

February 23, 2021

We value privacy of internet users

DataUnlocker's mission is to fix broken functionality or website analytics tools. It doesn't fight ads neither user's privacy.

DataUnlocker will always stay GDPR-compliant. It never stores nor logs proxied requests' data.
Read full DataUnlocker's privacy policy here.

Simple pricing

Pay only for unblocked traffic

2 GB
of proxied traffic

get free traffic for new websites

500 MB
Example for small or side projects
☕'s price
  • ~50 page views a day
  • ~15% ad blocker users
  • Use DataUnlocker for FREE for 3 MONTHS
  • Pay just around $1 per YEAR afterwards
Example for medium-size businesses
🚖's price
  • ~50000 page views a day
  • ~20% ad blocker users
  • Use 500 MB to test DataUnlocker on your website
  • Pay around $5-10 per MONTH for what you consume
DataUnlocker for any website
Contact us!
Customer and developer support is always included for all our customers 💜
Pricing examples above assume only Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics are installed on the website, which is ~60KB of proxied traffic per page view if ad blocker is present.
The price will be higher if your website needs a proxy for other client-side data analytics tools besides Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics.

Try DataUnlocker NOW!

Initial setup takes around 10 minutes.
For each new website, your first 500MB are free.
DataUnlocker Logo
Content blockers are friends